\name{leuks} \alias{leuks} \docType{data} \title{ Eukaryotic genome projects at NCBI} \description{ Eukaryotic genome sequencing projects at NCBI } \usage{data(leuks)} \format{ A genomes data frame with observations on the following 20 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{pid}}{ genome project id } \item{\code{name}}{ taxonomy name} \item{\code{status}}{ sequencing status} \item{\code{released}}{ released date} \item{\code{group}}{ taxonomy group (animals, fungi, protists, or plants) } \item{\code{subgroup}}{ taxonomy subgroup} \item{\code{taxid}}{taxonomy id } \item{\code{size}}{genome size (Mbp) } \item{\code{chromosomes}}{number of chromosomes } \item{\code{method}}{ sequencing method} \item{\code{depth}}{ depth or coverage } \item{\code{center}}{ pipe-separated list of sequencing centers} \item{\code{genbank}}{ has GenBank sequences} \item{\code{pubmed}}{ has PubMed} \item{\code{refseq}}{ has RefSeq sequences} \item{\code{gene}}{ has Gene link} \item{\code{traces}}{ has Traces} \item{\code{blast}}{ has Blast page } \item{\code{mapview}}{ has MapView} \item{\code{ftp}}{ comma-separated list of ftps} } } % \details{ } \source{ downloaded from Entrez genome project at \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/leuks.cgi} } % \references{ } \examples{ data(leuks) leuks # single row, long format t(leuks[1,]) plot(leuks) summary(leuks) dotplot(sort(table(leuks$subgroup)), pch=16, xlab="Genome projects") } \keyword{datasets}