\name{hmp} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{hmp} \docType{data} \title{ Human Microbiome Project (HMP) data } \description{ Genome sequencing projects listed by the Human microbiome project } \usage{data(hmp)} \format{ A genomes data frame with 18 columns. \describe{ \item{\code{pid}}{HMP project ID} \item{\code{name}}{ project name} \item{\code{status}}{project status } \item{\code{released}}{date draft sequencing completed} \item{\code{entrezid}}{ Entrez genome project id} \item{\code{taxid}}{NCBI taxonomy id} \item{\code{phylum}}{phylum} \item{\code{site}}{primary body sample site } \item{\code{subsite}}{ body sample subsite } \item{\code{goal}}{finishing goal } \item{\code{submission}}{NCBI submission status } \item{\code{center}}{ sequencing center name } \item{\code{assembler}}{assembler} \item{\code{reads}}{total number of reads} \item{\code{coverage}}{coverage} \item{\code{contigs}}{ number of contigs } \item{\code{platform}}{sequencing platform} \item{\code{comment}}{comments} } } \details{see the HMP Project Catalog at http://www.hmpdacc.org/ . The full table has 34 columns and only 18 columns are displayed in this dataset } \source{ http://durian.jgi-psf.org/~kliolios/HMP/hmp.xls } %\references{} \examples{ data(hmp) hmp t(hmp[1,]) summary(hmp) plotby(hmp, "site", main='Human microbiome project', lbty='n', log='y', lcex=.7) plotby(hmp) table(hmp$status, !is.na(hmp$released), dnn=list("status", "released?")) } \keyword{datasets}