\name{genomes-subset} \alias{genomes-subset} \alias{subset.genomes} \title{ Subset genome tables } \description{ Return subsets of a genome table. } \usage{ \method{subset}{genomes}(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a genomes data.frame } \item{\dots}{ additional arguments ignored } } \details{ Preserves the genomes class and other attributes if name and released columns are present, otherwise the subsetting operation will return a data.frame. Update methods will not work on subsets of genome tables, but the other genome functions will work } %\references{ } \author{ Chris Stubben} %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(lproks) yp<-subset(lproks, name \%like\% 'Yersinia pest*') yp summary(yp) } \keyword{methods }