\name{genomes-plot} \alias{genomes-plot} \alias{plot.genomes} \title{ Genome table plots by release date } \description{ Generic function for plotting the cumulative number of genomes by released date for genome tables } \usage{ \method{plot}{genomes}(x, subset, xlab = "Release Date", ylab ="Genomes", type= "l", col = "blue", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a genomes data frame with class 'genomes' } \item{subset}{logical vector indicating rows to keep } \item{xlab}{ x-axis label } \item{ylab}{ y-axis label } \item{type}{ type of plot, default is a blue line } \item{col}{ color } \item{\dots}{ additional arguments passed to plot } } %\details{} \value{ A plot of the cumulative total of genomes by release date. } %\references{ } \author{Chris Stubben } %\note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotby}} to plot release dates by any grouping column } \examples{ data(lproks) plot(lproks) plot(lproks, name \%like\% 'Yersinia*', ylab="Yersinia genomes") } \keyword{ hplot }