\name{genomes-lines} \alias{genomes-lines} \alias{lines.genomes} \title{ Add lines to a genomes plot } \description{ Add lines representing the cumulative number of genomes by released date to a genome plot. } \usage{ \method{lines}{genomes}(x, subset, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ genomes data frame with class 'genomes' } \item{subset}{logical vector indicating rows to keep } \item{\dots}{ additional arguments passed to lines } } \details{ Use \code{\link{plotby}} to plot multiple lines within the same genome table. This function adds new lines from different genome tables to the same plot. } %\value{ A line } %\references{ } \author{Chris Stubben } %\note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotby}} } \examples{ data(lproks) data(leuks) data(lenvs) plot(lproks, log='y', las=1, lty=3) lines(leuks, col="red", lty=2) lines(lenvs, col="green3", lty=1) legend("topleft", c("Microbes", "Eukaryotes", "Metagenomes"), bty='n', lty=3:1, col=c("blue", "red", "green3")) } \keyword{ hplot }