\name{interval_overlap} \alias{interval_overlap} \alias{interval_overlap,Genome_intervals,Genome_intervals-method} \alias{interval_overlap,Genome_intervals_stranded,Genome_intervals_stranded-method} \alias{interval_overlap,missing,ANY-method} \alias{interval_overlap,ANY,missing-method} \title{Assess overlap from one set of genomic intervals to another} \description{ Given two objects, a 'from' and a 'to', assess which intervals in 'to' overlap which of 'from'. } \usage{ \S4method{interval_overlap}{Genome_intervals,Genome_intervals}( from, to, check_valid = TRUE ) \S4method{interval_overlap}{Genome_intervals_stranded,Genome_intervals_stranded}( from, to, check_valid = TRUE ) } \arguments{ \item{from}{ A \code{Genome_intervals} or \code{Genome_intervals_stranded} object. } \item{to}{A \code{Genome_intervals} or \code{Genome_intervals_stranded} object.} \item{check\_valid}{ Should \code{\link{validObject}} be called before passing to compiled code? } } \details{ A wrapper calling \code{\link[intervals:interval_overlap-methods]{intervals:interval_overlap}} by \code{seq_name} and by \code{strand} (if both \code{to} and \code{from} are \code{"Genome_intervals_stranded"} objects). } \value{ A list, with one element for each row of \code{from}. The elements are vectors of indices, indicating which \code{to} rows overlap each from. A list element of length 0 indicates a from with no overlapping to intervals. } \examples{ data(gen_ints) # i as entered i # i in close_intervals notation close_intervals(i) # j in close_intervals notation close_intervals(j) # list of intervals of j overlapping intervals of i interval_overlap(i,j) }