\name{core_annotated} \alias{core_annotated} \alias{core_annotated,Genome_intervals-method} \alias{core_annotated,Genome_intervals_stranded-method} \title{ Genome intervals with minimal annotation } \description{ returns a copy of the input (stranded) genome intervals object with annotations restricted to the minimally required ones. } \usage{ core_annotated(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals}} or \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} object. } } \value{ A copy of \code{x} with the \code{annotation} slot restricted to \code{seq_name}, \code{inter_base} and \code{strand} (the latter only if \code{x} is a \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} object). } \examples{ # load toy examples data("gen_ints") # add some non-core annotations to i annotation(i)$comment = "some non-core annotation" # i with all annotations i # core annotations only core_annotated(i) \dontrun{ # with different annotation columns, i and j cannot be combined c( i, j ) } # core annotated versions can c( core_annotated(i), core_annotated(j) ) }