\name{c} \alias{c} \alias{c.Genome_intervals} \alias{c.Genome_intervals_stranded} \title{Combine genome intervals objects} \description{ S3 methods for combining several genome intervals into a single one. } \usage{ \S3method{c}{Genome_intervals}(...) \S3method{c}{Genome_intervals_stranded}(...) } \arguments{ \item{...}{\code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals}} or \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} objects.} } \details{ If the arguments have mixed classes ( both \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals}} or \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}}), then they are coerced to \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals}} before combination. Otherwise, the common class is used. } \value{ A single \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals}} or \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} object. Input objects are combined in their order of appearance in the the argument list. If any input argument is not a \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals}}, \code{list(...)} is returned instead. } \note{ These methods will be converted to S4 once the necessary dispatch on \code{...} is supported. } \examples{ # load toy examples data("gen_ints") # combine i and j returns a Genome_intervals_stranded object c( i, j ) # combine a not-stranded and a stranded returns a not-stranded object c( as(i, "Genome_intervals"), j ) }