\name{plotCN} \alias{plotCN} \title{ plot LRR, BAF, and the copy number estimates } \description{ plot LRR, BAF, and the copy number estimates of genoCNV and/or PennCNV. } \usage{ plotCN(pos, LRR, BAF, chr2plot = NULL, sampleIDs = NULL, fileNames=NULL, types = "genoCN", CNA = TRUE, main = "", LRR.ylim=NULL, cex=0.5, plot.lowess=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{pos}{ position of all the SNPs } \item{LRR}{ a vector of the log R ratio, should be one-to-one correspondence of pos } \item{BAF}{ a vector of the B allele frequency, should be one-to-one correspondence of pos } \item{chr2plot}{ which chromosome to plot. Only one chromosome can be plotted each time } \item{sampleIDs}{ sample ID, could be a vector of the same length as fileNames so that different sample IDs are used for different input files. } \item{fileNames}{ one or more names of the output files of genoCN or PennCNV. If it is NULL, only plot the LRR and BAF. } \item{types}{ should be the same length as fileNames, indicating the type of output, currently only support "genoCN" and "pennCNV" } \item{CNA}{ whether this is a copy number aberration study. } \item{main}{ title of the plot } \item{LRR.ylim}{ Range of y-axis for LRR plot } \item{cex}{ the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default} \item{plot.lowess}{ to plot the lowess curve for LRR or not } } \examples{ data(snpData) data(snpInfo) dim(snpData) dim(snpInfo) snpData[1:2,] snpInfo[1:2,] snpInfo[c(1001,1100,10001,10200),] plotCN(pos=snpInfo$Position, LRR=snpData$LRR, BAF=snpData$BAF, main = "simulated data on Chr22") } \author{ Wei Sun } \seealso{ \code{\link{genoCNA}}, \code{\link{genoCNV}} } \keyword{ methods }