\name{pFlowMerge} \alias{pFlowMerge} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Parellel call to flowMerge } \description{ Calls the flowMerge methods to compute the merged solution from a flowClust object or set of objects in a parallelized manner using the \code{snow} framework. } \usage{ pFlowMerge(flowData, cl, K = 1:15, B.init = 100, tol.init = 0.01, tol = 1e-05, B = 500, randomStart = 10, nu = 4, nu.est = 0, trans = 1, varNames = NA) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{flowData}{ The data to be fit. A list of \code{flowFrame}s, a \code{flowSet} or a \code{flowFrame} } \item{cl}{ The \code{snow} cluster object. Can be NULL to call the non-parallel version of flowClust } \item{K}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{B.init}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{tol.init}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{tol}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{B}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{randomStart}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{nu}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{nu.est}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{trans}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } \item{varNames}{ See \code{flowClust} documentation } } \details{ Makes a parallelized call to \code{flowClust}. Parses the results to extract the max BIC solution, merges clusters, finds the optimal k-cluster solution using the entropy and returns it. If \code{cl} is \code{NULL}, a non-parallel call is made to the flowClust function. } \value{ A list of flowMerge objects. One per flowFrame passed into the method. } \references{ Finak G, Bashasharti A, Brinkmann R, Gottardo R. Merging Mixture Model Components for Improved Cell Population Identification in High Throughput Flow Cytometry Data (Submitted)} \author{ Greg Finak \email{}} \section{Warning}{This function does not do any special memory management. A large data set will likely cause it to run out of memory and start swapping incessantly. If you have lots of data, it's best to feed it piecewise to pFlowClust. } \seealso{ \link{pFlowClust},\link[flowClust]{flowClust},\link{merge},\pkg{snow}, \link{fitPiecewiseLinreg}} \examples{ data(rituximab) #Parallelized call below: \dontrun{cl<-makeSOCKcluster(rep("finakg@localhost",7))} \dontrun{result<-pFlowMerge(rituximab,cl,varNames=c("FSC.H","SSC.H"))} \dontrun{plot(result)} cl<-NULL; result<-pFlowMerge(rituximab,cl=NULL,varNames=c("FSC.H","SSC.H"),K=1:8); plot(result); } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ misc}