\name{flowFP} \alias{flowFP} \title{Fingerprint constructor} \description{ Constructor for \link{flowFP-class}. } \usage{ flowFP(fcs, model = NULL, sampleClasses = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{fcs}{ A \link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame} or \link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet} for which fingerprint(s) are desired.} \item{model}{ A model generated with the \link{flowFPModel} constructor, or \emph{NULL}. if \emph{NULL}, a default model will be silently generated from all instances in \emph{x}.} \item{sampleClasses}{ An optional character vector describing modeling classes. If supplied, there must be exactly one element for each \emph{flowFrame} in the \emph{flowSet} in \emph{x} (see Details).} \item{\dots}{ If model is \emph{NULL}, additional arguments are passed on to the model constructor. see \link{flowFPModel} for details.} } \details{ A flowFP object is a reduced representation of a \link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame} or \link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet} with respect to a \link{flowFPModel}. The model is derived by finding multivariate regions containing (nearly) equal numbers of events in a training set using one or more user-specified parameters (\emph{e.g.} CD45 and Side Scatter). The resulting \emph{flowFP} represents the probability (i.e. number of events) of the instance(s) in \emph{x} in each of the bins in the underlying model. This representation is carried in a slot (called \emph{counts}) in the object, a matrix in which each row corresponds ordinally to the \emph{flowFrames} in \emph{x}. Note that if \emph{x} is a \emph{flowFrame} and not a \emph{flowSet}, the counts matrix will have only 1 row. In any case, each row of the matrix is an individual fingerprint, where the fingerprint elements (columns) have a one-to-one correspondence with the bins in the underlying \emph{model}. Another slot in the \emph{flowFP} object describes the bin index for each event, allowing the user to select events according to their membership in bins. Think of this as "micro-gating". } \value{ An instance of an object of type \emph{flowFP}. } \references{ M. Roederer, et. al. (2001) Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Multivariate Distribution Differences, \emph{Cytometry} \bold{45}, 47-55. W. Rogers et. al. (2008) Cytometric Fingerprinting: Quantitative Characterization of Multivariate Distributions, \emph{Cytometry Part A} \bold{73}, 430-441. } \author{ Herb Holyst <\email{holyst@mail.med.upenn.edu}>, Wade Rogers <\email{rogersw@mail.med.upenn.edu}> } \seealso{ \link{flowFP-class}, \link{flowFP}, \link{flowFPModel-class}, \link{flowFPModel} } \examples{ # load a flowSet to use as an example. # fs <- read.flowSet(your fcs files...) data(fs1) model <- flowFPModel(fs1, parameters=c(4,5), nRecursions=6) fp <- flowFP(fs1, model) plot(fp) } \keyword{classes}