\name{expressionFilter-class} \docType{class} \alias{expressionFilter-class} \alias{expressionFilter} \alias{show,expressionFilter-method} \alias{char2ExpressionFilter} \title{Class "expressionFilter"} \description{ A \code{\link{filter}} holding an expression that can be evaluated to a logical vector or a vector of factors. } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{concreteFilter}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{filter}"}, by class \code{concreteFilter}, distance 2. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{expr}:}{The expression that will be evaluated in the context of the flow cytometry values.} \item{\code{args}:}{An environment providing additional parameters.} \item{\code{deparse}:}{A character scalar of the deparsed expression.} \item{\code{filterId}:}{The identifier of the filter} } } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("expressionFilter", ...)}, using the \code{\link{expressionFilter}} constructor or, programatically, from a character string using the \code{char2ExpressionFilter} function. } \usage{ expressionFilter(expr, ..., filterId="defaultExpressionFilter") char2ExpressionFilter(expr, ..., filterId="defaultExpressionFilter") } \arguments{ \item{filterId}{ An optional parameter that sets the \code{filterId} of this \code{\link{filter}}. The object can later be identified by this name.} \item{expr}{A valid R expression or a character vector that can be parsed into an expression. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments that are passed to the evaluation environment of the expression. } } \value{ Returns a \code{expressionFilter} object for use in filtering \code{\link{flowFrame}}s or other flow cytometry objects. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\%in\%}{\code{signature(x = "flowFrame", table = "expressionFilter")}: The workhorse used to evaluate the gate on data. This is usually not called directly by the user, but internally by calls to the \code{\link{filter}} methods. } \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "expressionFilter")}: Print information about the gate. } } } \details{ The expression is evaluated in the environment of the flow cytometry values, hence the parameters of a \code{\link{flowFrame}} can be accessed through regular R symbols. The convenience function \code{char2ExpressionFilter} exists to programmatically construct expressions. } \author{F. Hahne, B. Ellis} \seealso{ \code{\link{flowFrame}}, \code{\link{filter}} for evaluation of \code{sampleFilters} and \code{\link{split}} and \code{\link{Subset}}for splitting and subsetting of flow cytometry data sets based on that. } \examples{ ## Loading example data dat <- read.FCS(system.file("extdata","0877408774.B08", package="flowCore")) #Create the filter ef <- expressionFilter(`FSC-H` > 200, filterId="myExpressionFilter") ef ## Filtering using sampeFilters fres <- filter(dat, ef) fres summary(fres) ## The result of sample filtering is a logical subset newDat <- Subset(dat, fres) all(exprs(newDat)[,"FSC-H"] > 200) ## We can also split, in which case we get those events in and those ## not in the gate as separate populations split(dat, fres) ## Programmatically construct an expression dat <- dat[,-8] r <- range(dat) cn <- paste("`", colnames(dat), "`", sep="") exp <- paste(cn, ">", r[1,], "&", cn, "<", r[2,], collapse=" & ") ef2 <- char2ExpressionFilter(exp, filterId="myExpressionFilter") ef2 fres2 <- filter(dat, ef2) fres2 summary(fres2) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes} \keyword{classes}