\name{viewHW} \alias{viewHW} \title{View allele frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test statistics for specified marker} \description{ View allele frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test statistics for specified marker. } \usage{ viewHW(HW.object, markerName) } \arguments{ \item{HW.object}{object returned by the function 'pedHardyWeinberg'.} \item{markerName}{a character string indicating the name of marker whose statistics are to be viewed} } \value{ \item{resM}{A vector records the following quantities for the specified marker: \code{nInfoInd} (number of informative individuals, i.e. individuals whose genotypes contain no missing alleles for the specified marker), \code{nGenotype} (number of possible genotypes), \code{nHET} (number of heterozygous genotypes), \code{nHOM} (number of homozygous genotypes), \code{nAllele} (number of alleles), \code{nMissing} (number of missing alleles), \code{chi2} (chi square test statistic), \code{df} (degree of freedom of the chi square test statistic under H0), \code{p-value} (pvalue of the test).} \item{nGenotypeM}{number of possible genotypes for the specified marker.} \item{genotypeM}{possible genotypes and their frequencies.} \item{piVecM}{allele frequencies.} } \author{ Weiliang Qiu \email{stwxq@channing.harvard.edu}, Ross Lazarus \email{ross.lazarus@channing.harvard.edu}, Gregory Warnes \email{warnes@bst.rochester.edu}, Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com} } \examples{ data(CAMP) res<-pedHardyWeinberg(CAMP) viewHW(res, "m709") viewHW(res, "m654") viewHW(res, "m47") viewHW(res, "p46") viewHW(res, "p79") viewHW(res, "p252") viewHW(res, "p491") viewHW(res, "p523") } \keyword{htest}