\name{mnplot} \alias{mnplot} \alias{ISAmnplot} \title{Plot group means against each other, for an ISA module} \description{Plot mean expression values for two sets of samples, against each other.} \usage{ mnplot (x, expset, group, \dots) ISAmnplot (modules, number, eset, norm = c("raw", "feature", "sample"), group, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A character vector, the feature names for which the plot is created.} \item{expset}{An \code{ExpressionSet} object (\code{Biobase} package), or an expression matrix, with row names as feature names.} \item{eset}{An \code{ExpressionSet} or \code{ISAExpressionSet} object. If an \code{ExpressionSet} object is supplied (and the \code{norm} argument is not set to \sQuote{raw}), then it is normalised by calling \code{\link{ISANormalize}} on it. A subset of \code{eset} is selected that corresponds to the features included in \code{modules}. } \item{norm}{Character constant, specifies whether and how to normalize the expression values to plot. \sQuote{raw} plots the raw expression values, \sQuote{feature} the expression values scaled and centered for each feature (=gene) separately and if \sQuote{sample} is specified then the expression values are centered and scaled separately for each sample.} \item{group}{A factor that defines two groups to plot one against the other.} \item{modules}{An \code{\link{ISAModules}} object.} \item{number}{A numeric scalar, the number of the module for which the plot is created.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, they are passed to the \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} function.} } \details{ \code{mnplot} plots two group-means against each other, the mean expression of all the specified probes. The two groups are specified as a factor with two levels. \code{ISAmnplot} calls \code{mnplot} and plots the mean expression of genes in an ISA module, again, for two groups. } \value{ Both functions return invisibly a matrix with two lines, the mean expression values for the two groups, for all the specified genes. } \author{ Gabor Csardi \email{Gabor.Csardi@unil.ch} } \references{ Bergmann S, Ihmels J, Barkai N: Iterative signature algorithm for the analysis of large-scale gene expression data \emph{Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys.} 2003 Mar;67(3 Pt 1):031902. Epub 2003 Mar 11. } \seealso{The \code{\link[annotate]{GOmnplot}} and \code{KEGGmnplot} functions in the \code{annotate} package.} \examples{ data(ALLModulesSmall) library(ALL) data(ALL) group <- ifelse(grepl("^B", ALL$BT), "B-cell", "T-cell") ISAmnplot(ALLModulesSmall, 2, ALL, norm="feature", group=group) } \keyword{cluster}