\name{ISA-Biclust conversion} \alias{coerce,Biclust,ISAModules-method} \alias{coerce,ISAModules,Biclust-method} \concept{Biclust package} \title{Convert ISA modules to a Biclust object, or the opposite} \description{The biclust package implements several biclustering algorithms in a unified framework. The result of the biclustering is a \code{\link[biclust]{Biclust}} object. These functions allow the conversion between \code{\link[biclust]{Biclust}} and \code{\link{ISAModules}} objects. } \details{ To convert an \code{ISAModules} object (\code{mods}) to a \code{Biclust} object (\code{bc}), you can do: \preformatted{ bc <- as(mods, "Biclust") } The seed data and run data of the \code{ISAModules} object is stored in the \code{Parameters} slot of the \code{Biclust} object. The ISA scores are binarized by the conversion. To convert a \code{Biclust} object (\code{bc}) to an \code{ISAModules} object (\code{mods}), you can call: \preformatted{ mods <- as(bc, "ISAModules") } The \code{Parameters} slot of the \code{Biclust} object is used as the run data of the \code{ISAModules} object. The seed data of the new object will be an empty data frame. We suggest that the used adds the name of the appropriate annotation package to the \code{Biclust} object, before converting it to an \code{ISAModules} object. See an example on how to do this below. } \author{ Gabor Csardi \email{Gabor.Csardi@unil.ch} } \references{ Bergmann S, Ihmels J, Barkai N: Iterative signature algorithm for the analysis of large-scale gene expression data \emph{Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys.} 2003 Mar;67(3 Pt 1):031902. Epub 2003 Mar 11. Sebastian Kaiser, Rodrigo Santamaria, Roberto Theron, Luis Quintales and Friedrich Leisch. (2009). biclust: BiCluster Algorithms. R package version 0.8.1. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=biclust } %\seealso{} \examples{ if (require(biclust)) { library(ALL) data(ALL) ALL.filtered <- ALL[sample(1:nrow(ALL), 1000),] # Biclust -> ISAModules set.seed(1) Bc <- biclust(exprs(ALL.filtered), BCPlaid(), fit.model = ~m + a + b, verbose = FALSE) Bc@Parameters$annotation <- annotation(ALL) modules <- as(Bc, "ISAModules") Bc modules getNoFeatures(modules) getNoSamples(modules) # ISAModules -> Biclust data(ALLModulesSmall) Bc2 <- as(ALLModulesSmall, "Biclust") ALLModulesSmall getNoFeatures(ALLModulesSmall) getNoSamples(ALLModulesSmall) Bc2 } } \keyword{cluster}