\name{peakCutoff} \alias{peakCutoff} \title{ Calculate a peak cutoff } \description{ Calculates a peak cutoff value given an FDR, assuming a Poisson noise distribution estimated from the frequency of singleton and doubleton islands. } \usage{ peakCutoff(cov, fdr.cutoff = 0.001, k = 2:20) } \arguments{ \item{cov}{ The coverage object, e.g., an \code{\link[IRanges:RleList-class]{RleList}} object. } \item{fdr.cutoff}{ The maximum-allowed FDR for calculating the cutoff. } \item{k}{ The coverage levels at which to estimate an FDR value. The maximal value that is less than \code{fdr.cutoff} is chosen for calculating the cutoff. Usually best left to the default. } } \value{ A numeric value to use for calling peaks } \author{ D. Sarkar and M. Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\link{islandDepthPlot}} for the graphical equivalent; the vignette for a bit more explanation. } \examples{ data(cstest) cov <- coverage(resize(cstest$ctcf, width=200)) peakCutoff(cov) }