\name{cstest} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{cstest} \docType{data} \title{ A test ChIP-Seq dataset } \description{ A small subset of a ChIP-Seq dataset downloaded from the Short-Read Archive. } \usage{data(cstest)} \format{ The dataset is on object of class \code{GenomeDataList} with data from three chromosomes in two lanes representing CTCF and GFP pull-down in mouse. The per-chromosome data is represented as a list of positive and negative strand alignment locations. The recorded locations represent the aligned position at the first cycle. } \source{ Short Read Archive, GEO accession number GSM288351 \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSM288351} } \references{ Chen X., Xu H., Yuan P., Fang F., Huss M., Vega V.B., Wong E., Orlov Y.L., Zhang W., Jiang J., Loh Y.H., Yeo H.C., Yeo Z.X., Narang V., Govindarajan K.R., Leong B., Shahab A.S., Ruan Y., Bourque G., Sung W.K., Clarke N.D., Wei C.L., Ng H.H. (2008), \dQuote{Integration of External Signaling Pathways with the Core Transcriptional Network in Embryonic Stem Cells}. \emph{Cell}, 133:1106-1117. } \examples{ data(cstest) names(cstest) cstest$gfp } \keyword{datasets}