\name{copyIRangesbyChr} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{copyIRanges} \alias{copyIRangesbyChr} \title{ Associate ranges to coverage. } \description{ Associate a set of ranges, typically derived using an independent computation, to a coverage as produced by \code{coverage}. This then allows one to compute various summaries such as maximum coverage in each range. \code{copyIRangesbyChr} does this over lists of ranges and coverage objects. \strong{DEPRECATED}: Instead, construct an \code{\link[IRanges:RleViewsList-class]{RleViewsList}} using the \code{Views} function. } \usage{ copyIRanges(IR1, newX) copyIRangesbyChr(IR1, newX) } \arguments{ \item{IR1}{ The set of ranges (an \code{"IRanges"} object) or a list of such objects (usually one for each chromosome of interest). } \item{newX}{ An \code{"Rle"} object, usually the result of \code{link[IRanges:coverage]{coverage}}, or a list of such objects. } } \value{ A \code{"View"} object, or a list of such objects. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar } \examples{ cov <- Rle(c(1:10, seq(10, 1, -2), seq(1,5,2), 4:1), rep(1:2, 11)) peaks <- slice(cov, 3) ## deprecated: ##peaks.cov <- copyIRanges(peaks, cov) ## instead: peaks.cov <- Views(cov, peaks) } \keyword{utilities}