\name{contextDistribution} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{contextDistribution} \title{ Tabulate peak locations according to genomic context } \description{ Given two sets of intervals defined on a genome, tabulates overlap of one set with the other. The first set typically represents \dQuote{peak} locations, and the second represents types of genomic regions such as promoters, downstream regions, genes, etc. \strong{DEPRECATED}: The user is likely better off using the GenomicFeatures package to explore the relationship between peaks and genomic annotations. See the vignette for an example. } \usage{ contextDistribution(peaks, gregions, chroms, ...) } \arguments{ \item{peaks}{ A data frame with one row for each \dQuote{peak}; the location of peaks must be defined by the columns \code{chromosome}, \code{start}, and \code{end}. Columns \code{up} and \code{down}, if present, must be logical, and should indicate peaks that were down or upregulated by some definition. If present, the result will include tabulations for the up and down subsets thus defined. } \item{gregions}{ Locations of genomic regions of interest. Currently, this must be of the form produced by the function \code{\link[GenomicFeatures:regions]{transcripts}}. } \item{chroms}{ Which chromosomes to use. By default, all are used. } \item{\dots}{ Further arguments, currently ignored. } } \value{ A data frame with overlap counts. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar } \keyword{manip}