\name{chipseqFilter} \alias{chipseqFilter} \title{ Filtering ChIP-seq reads } \description{ Convenience for creating an \code{\link[ShortRead:SRFilter-class]{SRFilter}} object appropriate for ChIP-seq data. Typically, the result is passed to \code{\link[ShortRead]{readAligned}} when loading reads. } \usage{ chipseqFilter(exclude = "[_MXY]", uniqueness = c("location", "sequence", "location*sequence", "none"), hasStrand = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{exclude}{ A regular expression for excluding chromosomes by name. Just like the parameter to \code{\link[BSgenome]{bsapply}}. } \item{uniqueness}{ The criteria used to determine whether a read is unique. A read may be unique if it maps to a unique \code{location}, has a unique \code{sequence} or both. Specifying \code{none} avoids this test entirely. } \item{hasStrand}{ Whether to require that the read is mapped to a strand, which usually translates to whether the read was mapped at all. } } \value{ An \code{SRFilter} object } \author{ M. Lawrence } \examples{ sp <- SolexaPath(system.file("extdata", package="ShortRead")) filter <- chipseqFilter() aln <- readAligned(sp, "s_2_export.txt", filter=filter) ## allow mapping to the same location (but only if sequence is different) filter <- chipseqFilter(uniqueness = "sequence") aln <- readAligned(sp, "s_2_export.txt", filter=filter) ## allow sex chromosomes filter <- chipseqFilter(exclude = "[M_]") aln <- readAligned(sp, "s_2_export.txt", filter=filter) }