\name{write_VIEWS} \alias{write_VIEWS} \title{Write a VIEWS control file for a CRAN-style package repository} \description{ This function writes a \code{VIEWS} file to the top-level of a CRAN-style package repository. The \code{VIEWS} file is in DCF format and describes all packages found in the repository. The \code{VIEWS} file contains the complete \code{DESCRIPTION} file for each source package in the repository. In addition, metadata for available binary packages and vignettes is centralized here. } \usage{ write_VIEWS(reposRootPath, fields = NULL, type = c("source", "win.binary", "win64.binary", "mac.binary", "mac.binary.leopard"), verbose = FALSE, vignette.dir = "vignettes") } \arguments{ \item{reposRootPath}{character vector containing the path to the CRAN-style repository root directory.} \item{fields}{Any additional fields to include. You shouldn't need this, but if you have added fields to the DESCRIPTION files of the packages in the repository, you may want it.} \item{type}{One of \code{source}, \code{win.binary}, \code{win64.binary}, \code{mac.binary}, or \code{mac.binary.leopard} indicating which set of packages should be used to build up the "shared" information. Since a repository can contain different versions of the same package (source vs binary) the shared information may not be reliable.} \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE}, print progress messages.} \item{vignette.dir}{character specifying where to look for vignettes.} } \author{Seth Falcon} \section{Warning}{ This function uses a private function from the \code{tools} package: \code{tools:::.build_repository_package_db}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[tools:writePACKAGES]{write_PACKAGES}}, \code{\link{extractVignettes}}, \code{\link{genReposControlFiles}}, \code{\link{write_REPOSITORY}} } \keyword{utilities}