\name{biocViews-package} \alias{biocViews-package} \alias{biocViews} \docType{package} \title{ Categorized views of R package repositories } \description{ Structures for vocabularies and narratives of views. This can be used to create HTML views of the package structure in a Bioconductor repository. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab biocViews\cr Version: \tab 1.11.4\cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.4.0), methods, utils\cr Imports: \tab tools, Biobase, graph (>= 1.9.26), RBGL (>= 1.13.5), XML\cr Suggests: \tab Biobase\cr License: \tab Artistic-2.0\cr URL: \tab http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html\cr biocViews: \tab Infrastructure\cr } Index: \preformatted{ BiocView-class Class "BiocView" Htmlized-class Class "Htmlized" PackageDetail-class Class "PackageDetail" RepositoryDetail-class Class "RepositoryDetail" biocViewsVocab Bioconductor Task Views Vocabulary Data extractVignettes Extract pdf vignettes from local package repository genReposControlFiles Generate CRAN-style repository control files getBiocSubViews Build a list of BiocView objects from a package repository getBiocViews Build a list of BiocView objects from a package repository getPacksAndViews Parse VIEWS file for views and packages getSubTerms Retrieve a term and its children from a vocab DAG htmlDoc Create a complete HTML document representation of an object htmlFilename Return a filename for an object's HTML representation htmlValue HTML Representation of an Object writeBiocViews Write a list of BiocView objects to HTML writeHtmlDoc Write an XML DOM containing HTML to a file writePackageDetailHtml Write HTML files for packages in a CRAN-style repository writeRepositoryHtml Write package descriptions and a repository index as HTML writeTopLevelView Write the view for the root of a vocabulary to disk write_REPOSITORY Write a REPOSITORY control file for a CRAN-style package repository write_SYMBOLS Write a SYMBOLS file write_VIEWS Write a VIEWS control file for a CRAN-style package repository } The terms of the vocabulary are stored in a DAG, which can be loaded as the serialized data object \code{biocViewsVocab}. For listing of available terms use function \code{getSubTerms}. Further information is available in the following two vignettes: \tabular{ll}{ \code{HOWTO-BCV} \tab Basic package usage\cr \code{createReposHtml} \tab Further information for repository admins\cr } } \author{ VJ Carey , BJ Harshfield , S Falcon Maintainer: Biocore Team c/o BioC user list } \keyword{ package } \examples{ data(biocViewsVocab) getSubTerms(biocViewsVocab, "AssayTechnologies") }