\name{Calculate_Row_Weights} \alias{Calculate_Row_Weights} \title{ Calculate the sequence weights for all the rows in my amino,using label as the grouping } \description{ This will calculate the sequence weights for each group using the Heinkoff and Heinkoff method. Each residue in the sequence is assigned a weight depending on how unique it is in the column. The sequence weight is then the sum of these weights, and the total weight is the number of groups } \usage{ Calculate_Row_Weights(my_amino,label) } \arguments{ \item{my_amino}{ Matrix representation of alignment generated by convert\_aln\_amino } \item{label}{ Vector or factor that shows the group representation for each sequence in the alignment} } \references{ Henikoff, S. and J. G. Henikoff (1994). "Position-based sequence weights." J Mol Biol 243(4): 574-8. } \examples{ library("bgafun") data(LDH.amino.gapless) data(LDH.groups) LDH.weights=Calculate_Row_Weights(LDH.amino.gapless,LDH.groups) sum(LDH.weights) } \keyword{ manip }