\name{squeezeMVar} \alias{squeezeMVar} \title{Smooth sample covariance matrices} \description{ An internal function to smooth a set of sample covariance matrices by computing empirical Bayes posterior means. } \usage{ squeezeMVar(S, df, Lambda = NULL, nu = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{S}{a list of covariance matrices} \item{df}{numeric vector of degrees of freedom for covariance matrices} \item{Lambda}{use this target covariance matrix instead of calculating it from the data} \item{nu}{use this nu instead of calculating it from the data} } \details{ Calculate shrinkage estimates for covariance matrices using the procedure of Tai and Speed (2006) and Smyth (2004) } \value{ \item{varPost }{list of posterior covariance matrices} \item{varPrior }{target covariance matrix} \item{dfPrior }{prior degrees of freedom} } \references{ Smyth, G. Linear models and empirical bayes methods for assessing differential expression in microarray experiments. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology (2004) vol. 3 Tai, Y and Speed, T. A multivariate empirical Bayes statistic for replicated microarray time course data. Annals of Statistics (2006) vol. 34 (5) pp. 2387-2412 } \author{Martin Aryee} \seealso{\code{\link{betr}}}