\name{betr} \alias{betr} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Bayesian Estimation of Temporal Regulation (BETR): Calculate the probability of differential expression in time-course data } \description{ Calculate the probability of differential expression of each feature in a microarray gene expression time-course data set. } \usage{ betr(eset, cond=NULL, timepoint, replicate, twoColor = FALSE, twoCondition = NULL, alpha = 0.05, verbose=FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{eset}{object of class matrix, ExpressionSet or exprSet containing log-ratios or log-values of expression for a series of microarrays} \item{cond}{character or factor vector giving the experimental group for each sample of eset. Not required for a single-condition time-course.} \item{timepoint}{numeric vector giving the time point for each sample of eset} \item{replicate}{character or factor vector giving the replicate ID of each sample of eset} \item{twoColor}{boolean indicating whether the data is from a two-color microarray platform} \item{twoCondition}{boolean indicating whether the data is from a two condition experiment (as opposed to a single condition experiment where the comparison is between baseline and subsequent time points)} \item{alpha}{the desired False Discovery Rate} \item{verbose}{whether to output more detailed information about the model fitting} } \details{ This function fits a model to estimate the probability of differential for each feature of time-course data set. } \value{ a numeric vector of the probability of differential expression for each feature in the data set. } \references{The algorithm is described in detail in: (..undergoing review..) } \author{Martin Aryee} \examples{ library(Biobase) data(timeEset) prob <- betr(timeEset, cond=pData(timeEset)$strain, timepoint=pData(timeEset)$time, replicate=pData(timeEset)$rep, alpha=0.05) head(prob) } \keyword{ ts }