\name{vennSelectFC} \alias{vennSelectFC} \title{Select and Output Gene Lists Based on Venn Diagrams} \description{ This function is designed to output text and/or HTML tables based on the results of a call to \code{foldFilt}. The general idea being that one might want to create a Venn diagram showing probesets that are unique to particular comparisons, or consistent between comparisons, and then might want to output the probesets that are contained in each cell of the Venn diagram. } \usage{ vennSelectFC(eset, x, comps, order.by = "sum", method = "same", text = TRUE, html = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{A \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} object.} \item{x}{An indicator matrix showing up or down regulation based on fold change, usually from a call to \code{foldFilt}. See details for more information.} \item{comps}{A list containing all the comparisons to be made. Each list item should be a vector of length two. This should be identical to the 'comps' argument used in the call to \code{foldFilt} See details for more information.} \item{order.by}{One of 'sum', 'max', 'median', or 'mean'. This orders the output for those tables that have multiple fold change values based on the summary statistic chosen. Defaults to 'sum'.} \item{method}{ One of "same", "both", "up", "down", "sameup", or "samedown". See details for more information.} \item{text}{Boolean. Output text tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}} \item{html}{Boolean. Output HTML tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}} \item{...}{Used to pass other arguments to \code{probes2table}, in particular, to change the argument to \code{anncols} which controls the columns of hyperlinks to online databases (e.g., Entrez Gene, etc.). See \code{\link[annaffy]{aaf.handler}} for more information.} } \details{ The purpose of this function is to output the probesets listed in a Venn diagram that has been produced by a call to \code{foldFilt}. A small example would be as follows: Assume an \code{ExpressionSet} exists that contains expression values for three Affymetrix chips, say a control, and two experimentals. One might want to know what probesets are different between each of the experimentals and the control, and those that are different between both of the experimentals and the control. We first make the comparisons, based on a fold change of 2 (or a difference of 1 on the log scale). comps <- list(c(1,2), c(1,3)) This list indicates what comparisons we want. In this case 1vs2 and 1vs3. out <- foldFilt(eset, fold = 1, groups = 1:3, comps = comps, compnames=c("Control vs experimental1", "Control vs experimental2"), save = TRUE) By setting save = TRUE, we are saving a list, the first item being a vector of the number of probesets in each comparison, the second item being an indicator matrix showing up or down regulation based on a two-fold difference. We could make a Venn diagram using this matrix with \code{vennCounts2} and \code{\link[limma:venn]{vennDiagram}}. If we then wanted to output the probesets in each cell of that Venn diagram, we could use \code{vennSelectFC} as follows: vennSelectFC(eset, out[[2]], comps) One thing to note here is that the names of the resulting tables as well as the columns containing the fold change values will be extracted from the column names of the indicator matrix. This matrix will get its column names from the 'compnames' argument to \code{foldFilt}, so it is best to use reasonable names here. Also note that any character used in the 'compnames' argument that is not a valid character for a file name will be stripped out. } \value{ Called only for the side effect of outputting HTML and/or text tables. } \author{James W. MacDonald } \keyword{manip}