\name{foldFilt} \alias{foldFilt} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Output Fold Change Data } \description{ This function is designed to take an \code{ExpressionSet} and some comparisons and output either HTML tables, text files, or both. } \usage{ foldFilt(object, fold = 1, groups, comps, compnames, save = FALSE, text = TRUE, html = TRUE, filterfun = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{An \code{ExpressionSet} object} \item{fold}{The log fold change cutoff to use. Note that this is log base two.} \item{groups}{A vector of group identifiers. Probably easiest to use a numeric vector} \item{comps}{A list containing all the comparisons to be made. Each list item should be a vector of length two. See details for more information.} \item{compnames}{A character vector of the names for each of the comparisons to be made. This will be the name of the resulting HTML or text file.} \item{save}{Boolean. If \code{TRUE}, a list will be returned. The first item in the list will be a vector showing the number of 'significant' genes for each comparison. The second item will be a matrix of -1's, 0's and 1's indicating a significant difference, and the direction of the difference. The first item is useful for creating Sweave - based reports and the second is useful for making Vennn diagrams using the \code{vennDiagram} from the limma package.} \item{html}{Boolean - if \code{TRUE}, output HTML tables} \item{text}{Boolean - if \code{TRUE}, output text tables} \item{filterfun}{A filtering function, created by \code{\link[genefilter]{genefilter}} to filter the data using additional criteria. See details for more information} } \value{ Returns a list; see above for the elements of the list. This function is mainly called for the side effect of outputting HTML or text files containing annotated 'significant' gene lists. } \details{ This function is useful for outputting annotated gene lists for multiple fold change comparisons. The genes will be ordered by the absolute fold change. Note that this function is essentially a wrapper to call \code{annaffy}, so is only useful for Affymetrix GeneChips for which there is an annotation package. Without attaching a data file to this package, it is not possible to give a working example. Instead, here is a 'for instance'. Say you have an \code{ExpressionSet} containing four Affy HG-U133Plus2 chips. There is no replication, and you simply want to output genes with a two-fold or greater difference between the first chip and each of the last three (the first chip is the control, and the other three are experimentals). The \code{ExpressionSet} is called eset. Additionally, say we don't want any genes called significant if both of the samples have very low expression. We can set up a filter using the \pkg{genefilter} package. f1 <- kOverA(1,6) filt <- filterfun(f1) foldFilt(eset, groups=1:4, comps=list(c(2, 1), c(3, 1), c(4, 1)), compnames=c("Expt1-Cont","Expt2-Cont","Expt3-Cont"), filterfun = filt) This will output three HTML tables called 'Expt1-Cont.html', etc., each containing sorted genes that have two-fold or greater differences between the two samples. } \author{James W. MacDonald } \keyword{manip }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line