\name{annBM} \alias{annBM} \alias{linksBM} \title{Select Available Annotation from a Biomart } \description{ These functions are designed to do two things that are useful for an end user. If called with no arguments, they will output a character vector of annotation sources that are typically available from a Biomart database. If called with a 'mart' connection (typically created by a call to \code{\link[biomaRt]{useMart}}), they will return a character vector of annotation sources that exist for that particular Biomart and species. If called with a 'mart' connection and a character vector of annotation sources, they will return a list that is intended to be used by other functions for creating HTML pages. This last function doesn't have any real utility for the end user. } \usage{annBM(mart, annot, species) linksBM(mart, annot, affyid = FALSE, ann.source = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{mart}{A 'mart' connection, typically created by a call to \code{\link[biomaRt]{useMart}}.} \item{annot}{A character vector of annotation sources. This is not typically useful for an end user to specify.} \item{affyid}{Boolean. Are the IDs being annotated Affymetrix IDs?} \item{ann.source}{Character. The filter name to use if we are annotating Affymetrix IDs.} \item{species}{A species name, of the form e.g., 'hsapiens'} } \details{ The purpose of these functions is to either give an example of typical annotation sources that may be available at a particular Biomart, or to output those sources that are known to exist at a Biomart. \code{linksBM} is intended to list those annotation sources that may be turned into hyperlinks whereas \code{annBM} is intended to list those annotation sources that will not be linked. These functions have only a few of the possible annotation sources, and currently there is no simple way to extend these sources. Additions to the list are possible, however. Please contact me if there is something in particular that should be included in either list. } \value{ Normally called by an end user to output a character vector of annotation sources. } \author{ James W. MacDonald } \examples{ annBM() } \keyword{manip}