\name{mergeLevels} \alias{mergeLevels} \alias{combine.func} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{mergeLevels} \description{ Merging of predicted levels for array CGH data and similar. } \usage{ mergeLevels(vecObs,vecPred,pv.thres=0.0001,ansari.sign=0.05,thresMin=0.05,thresMax=0.5,verbose=1,scale=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{vecObs}{ Vector of observed values, i.e. observed log2-ratios } \item{vecPred}{ Vector of predicted values, i.e. mean or median of levels predicted by segmentation algorithm } \item{pv.thres}{ Significance threshold for Wilcoxon test for level merging } \item{ansari.sign}{ Significance threshold for Ansari-Bradley test } \item{thresMin}{ merge if segment medians are closer than thresMin , defaiult is 0.05} \item{thresMax}{ don't merge if segment medians are further than thresMax (unless needs to be merged for a different reason: wilcoxon test), default is .5} \item{verbose}{ if 1, progress is printed} \item{scale}{ whether thresholds are on the log2ratio scale and thus need to be converted to the copy number. default is TRUE } } \details{ mergeLevels takes a vector of observed log2-ratios and predicted log2ratios and merges levels that are not significantly distinct. } \value{ \item{vecMerged }{Vector with merged values. One merged value returned for each predicted/observed value } \item{mnNow }{Merged level medians} \item{sq }{Vector of thresholds, the function has searched through to find optimum. Note, these thresholds are based on copy number transformed values} \item{ansari }{The p-values for the ansari-bradley tests for each threshold in sq} } \references{ Willenbrock H, Fridlyand J. (2005). A comparison study: applying segmentation to array CGH data for downstream analyses. Bioinformatics. 2005 Sep 14; [Epub ahead of print] } \author{ Hanni Willenbrock (\email{Hanni@cbs.dtu.dk}) and Jane Fridlyand (\email{jfridlyand@cc.ucsf.edu}) } \note{ vecObs and vecPred must have same length and observed and predicted value for a given probe should have same position in vecObs and vedPred. The function assumes that log2-ratios are supplied } \examples{ # Example data of observed and predicted log2-ratios vecObs <- c(rep(0,40),rep(0.6,15),rep(0,10),rep(-0.4,20),rep(0,15))+rnorm(100,sd=0.2) vecPred <- c(rep(median(vecObs[1:40]),40),rep(median(vecObs[41:55]),15), rep(median(vecObs[56:65]),10),rep(median(vecObs[66:85]),20),rep(median(vecObs[86:100]),15)) # Plot observed values (black) and predicted values (red) plot(vecObs,pch=20) points(vecPred,col="red",pch=20) # Run merge function merge.obj <- mergeLevels(vecObs,vecPred) # Add merged values to plot points(merge.obj$vecMerged,col="blue",pch=20) # Examine optimum threshold merge.obj$sq } \keyword{htest}