\name{xmcmc} \alias{xmcmc} \docType{data} \title{Object of class XdeMcmc} \description{ An object of class XdeMcmc is created by fitting the Bayesian hierarchical model to the \code{expressionSetList} example data. } \usage{data(xmcmc)} \details{ The \code{xmcmc} data example was obtained as described in the XDE vignette. } \examples{ data(xmcmc) xmcmc ##ordinarily, one should not need to change the directory in an object ##of class XdeMcmc -- therefore, a replacment method is not defined pathToLogFiles <- system.file("logFiles", package="XDE") xmcmc@directory <- pathToLogFiles ##The $ operator can be used to extract chains. For instance, here we ##extract the c2 chain c2 <- xmcmc$c2 if(require(coda)){ plot(as.mcmc(c2)) } } \keyword{datasets}