\name{seed} \alias{seed} \alias{seed<-} \title{Seed for the MCMC} \description{ Setting a seed is useful for reproducing MCMC chains } \usage{ seed(object) seed(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of \code{XdeParameter} or \code{XdeMcmc} } \item{value}{Numeric or integer} } \details{ The seed stored in the slot of an object of class \code{XdeParameter} and an object of class \code{XdeMcmc} are useful in different ways. For the \code{XdeParameter} class, the seed indicates what seed was used to initialize an MCMC chain. By contrast, an object of class \code{XdeMcmc} contains a seed that would be useful for running additional iterations -- the seed here is guaranteed to be different from the seed that was used to initiate the MCMC. } \value{ An integer } \author{R. Scharpf} \keyword{methods}