\name{posteriorAvg} \alias{posteriorAvg} \alias{posteriorAvg<-} \title{Accessor and replacement methods for posterior averages of differential expression} \description{ Accessor and replacement methods for objects of class \code{XdeMcmc} for posterior averages of differential expression } \usage{ posteriorAvg(object) posteriorAvg(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object of class \code{XdeMcmc}} \item{value}{A matrix of dimension G x 3, where G is the number of genes and 3 are different ways of quantifying differential expression in the context of multiple studies (concordant, discordant, or the union).} } \value{ A matrix of dimension G x 3, where G is the number of genes and 3 are different ways of quantifying differential expression in the context of multiple studies (concordant, discordant, or the union). } \author{RS} \seealso{\code{\link{calculatePosteriorAvg}}} \keyword{methods}