\name{output} \alias{output} \alias{output<-} \title{Options for storing results of the MCMC chains} \description{ A numeric vector indicating which chains to write to file and, for those parameters that are written to file, how often the chains should be written to file. } \usage{ output(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{XdeParameter} or \code{XdeMcmc} } } \details{ Replacement methods are only available for objects of class \code{XdeParameter}. Accessor methods are available for objects of class \code{XdeParameter} and \code{XdeMcmc}. } \value{ A named numerical vector. The first element (thin) specifies how often to write chains to file. For instance, if output[1]=2 the chains will be written to file every other iteration. Elements 2 - 22 of the vector are indicators for whether to write the write the chains of the Bayesian parameters to file. } \author{R. Scharpf} \note{ Parameters indexed by gene and study (Delta, Phi, Nu, and sigma2) grow very large quickly. } \seealso{\code{\link{burnin}}, \code{\link{XdeParameter-class}}, \code{\link{XdeMcmc-class}}} \examples{ data(xmcmc) output(xmcmc) } \keyword{methods}