\name{iterations} \alias{iterations} \alias{iterations<-} \title{Number of MCMC iterations} \description{ Number of MCMC iterations } \usage{ iterations(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class \code{XdeParameter} or \code{XdeMcmc}.} } \details{ For an object of class \code{XdeParameter}, \code{iterations} specifies the total number of MCMC iterations. Note that by setting the \code{thin} parameter to a value greater than 1, the number of MCMC iterations will be greater than the number of saved MCMC iterations (saved iterations = iterations / thin). For an object of class \code{XdeMcmc} (a class that stores output from the MCMC), \code{iterations} specifies the number of iterations that were saved. The replacement method is only defined for the \code{XdeParameter} class. The class \code{XdeMcmc} is meant to reflect the information in an already run chain, whereas \code{XdeParameter} is a class for parameterizing the Bayesian model that has not yet been fit. } \value{ An integer } \author{R. Scharpf} \seealso{\code{\link{XdeParameter-class}}, \code{\link{XdeMcmc-class}}} \keyword{methods}