\name{hyperparameters} \alias{hyperparameters} \alias{hyperparameters<-} \title{Accessor for hyperparameters of the Bayesian model} \description{ Accessor and replacement methods for hyperparameters of the Bayesian model are provided } \usage{ hyperparameters(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{XdeParameter}} } \details{ See the XdeParameterClass vignette for a more detailed discussion. The default values provided when initializing an object of class \code{XdeParameter} works well in most instances. } \value{ A numerical vector } \references{ R. Scharpf et al., A Bayesian Model for Cross-Study Differential Gene Expression, Technical Report 158, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biostatistics, 2007 } \author{R. Scharpf} \examples{ data(expressionSetList) xlist <- new("XdeParameter", esetList=expressionSetList, phenotypeLabel="adenoVsquamous") hyperparameters(xlist) } \keyword{methods}