\name{empiricalStart} \alias{empiricalStart} \title{Empirical starting values for the MCMC} \description{ Empirical starting values for the MCMC are based on data in objects of class \code{ExpressionSetList} } \usage{ empiricalStart(object, zeroNu = FALSE, phenotypeLabel, one.delta=FALSE, T_THRESH=4) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{ExpressionSetList}} \item{zeroNu}{Logical: if TRUE, the nu in the Bayesian model are not modeled -- set to zero and not updated in the MCMC. Setting zeroNu to TRUE should be regarded as experimental} \item{phenotypeLabel}{character: binary phenotype. phenotypeLabel must be in the varLabels of each ExpressionSet object} \item{one.delta}{delta in the Bayesian model is a gene-specific indicator for differential expression. If one.delta is FALSE, we assume that a gene can be differentially expressed in a subset of studies. When TRUE, we assume that a gene is differentially expressed in all studies or in none.} \item{T_THRESH}{A threshold of t-statistics (calculated row-wise for each study) for determining starting values of the differential expression indicator, delta.} } \value{ A list containing starting values for the MCMC that are derived from empirical estimates of the data. } \author{R. Scharpf} \seealso{ \code{\link{zeroNu}}, \code{\link{XdeParameter-class}}, \code{\link{ExpressionSetList-class}}} \examples{ library(XDE) data(expressionSetList) eList <- studyCenter(expressionSetList) empirical <- empiricalStart(eList, phenotypeLabel="adenoVsquamous", T_THRESH=3) ##By default, initial values for the MCMC are sampled from the prior ##when initializing an object of class XdeParamater params <- new("XdeParameter", esetList=eList, phenotypeLabel="adenoVsquamous", one.delta=FALSE, burnin=TRUE) ##The initial values can be replaced by empirical values as follows: firstMcmc(params) <- empirical } \keyword{methods}