\name{rm.small.peak} \alias{rm.small.peak} \title{ Remove bound regions which consist of too few probes } \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{cmarrt.peak}}. } \usage{ rm.small.peak(bdd.method, minrun, chr, start, stop, pv) } \arguments{ \item{bdd.method}{vector of 0's(unbound) or 1's(bound) for each probe. } \item{minrun}{minimum number of probes to be called a bound region.} \item{chr}{ chromosome ID of each probe.} \item{start}{start coordinate of each probe.} \item{stop}{stop coordinate of each probe.} \item{pv}{p-values for each probe.} } \details{ ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ } \value{ \item{bdd.method}{vector of 0's(unbound) or 1's(bound) for each probe.} \item{size:}{number of probes within each bound region.} \item{peak.start}{first probe location for each bound region.} \item{peak.end}{last probe location for each bound region.} \item{chr.start}{start chromosome for each bound region.} \item{chr.stop}{stop chromosome for each bound region.} \item{loc.start}{start coordinate for each bound region.} \item{loc.stop}{stop coordinate for each bound region.} \item{minPv}{minimum p-value for each bound region.} \item{avePv}{average p-value for each bound region.} } \references{P.F. Kuan, H. Chun, S. Keles (2008). CMARRT: A tool for the analysiz of ChIP-chip data from tiling arrays by incorporating the correlation structure. \emph{Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing}\bold{13}:515-526. } \author{Pei Fen Kuan, Adam Hinz} \seealso{ \code{\link{cmarrt.peak}} } \keyword{internal}