\name{readCelFile} \alias{readCelFile} \title{ Read raw intensities from CEL files} \description{ Function to read the raw intensities of the perfect match probes (PM) of Affymetrix CEL files into an ExpressionSet. This function is used to read one-color data. For two-color data use the functions from the Ringo package. } \usage{ readCelFile(bpmap, cel_files, names, type, experimentData=NULL, featureData=T, log.it=T, phenodata=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{ bpmap}{ Either a list, created by the function readBpmap() from the affy package, or the path to the bpmap file. } \item{ cel_files }{ a character vector, specifying the path to the CEL files } \item{ names }{ a character vector, containing the names of the experiments } \item{ type }{ a character vector, containing the type of experiment, e.g. "IP" for an Immunoprecipitation, or "CONTROL" for a control or reference experiment was done} \item{ experimentData }{ This must be an object of type MIAME, which details information about e.g., the investigator or lab where the experiment was done, an overall title, and other notes } \item{ featureData }{ If TRUE, a featureData object is added to the ExpressionSet, containing information about the chromosome, position in the genome and sequence of the features } \item{ log.it }{ If TRUE, logged intesities are read} \item{phenodata}{data.frame, containing columns name, type, CEL.} } \value{ Returns raw intensity values in form of an ExpressionSet with additional information: \item{assayData }{This object contains the measured probe intensities.} \item{phenoData }{contains further description of the experiments, such as names or type} \item{featureData }{containing information about the chromosome, position in the genome and sequence of the features} \item{experimentData}{details information about e.g., the investigator or lab where the experiment was done} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \seealso{\code{\link[affxparser]{readCelIntensities}}, \code{\link[affy]{xy2indices}}} \examples{ ## # dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package="Starr") # bpmapChr1 <- readBpmap(file.path(dataPath, "Scerevisiae_tlg_chr1.bpmap")) # cels <- c(file.path(dataPath,"Rpb3_IP_chr1.cel"), file.path(dataPath,"wt_IP_chr1.cel"), # file.path(dataPath,"Rpb3_IP2_chr1.cel")) # names <- c("rpb3_1", "wt_1","rpb3_2") # type <- c("IP", "CONTROL", "IP") # rpb3Chr1 <- readCelFile(bpmapChr1, cels, names, type, featureData=TRUE, log.it=TRUE) } \keyword{IO}