\name{plotPosBias} \alias{plotPosBias} \title{ Bias of hybridzation, depending on base position in sequence. } \description{ \code{plotPosBias} generates a plot showing the bias of hybridzation, depending on base position in sequence. } \usage{ plotPosBias(intensity, sequence, main="", ylim) } \arguments{ \item{ intensity }{ a vector of type numeric, containing the measured intensities } \item{ sequence }{ a vector of type character, containing the sequneces} \item{ main }{ head of the plot } \item{ylim}{ ylim of plot} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \examples{ ## sequence <- unlist(lapply(1:50000, function(x) {paste(sample(c("A","T","C","G"),prob=c(0.3,0.3,0.2,0.2),25,replace=TRUE), collapse="")})) values <- runif(50000,min=-2,max=2) plotPosBias(values, sequence) } \keyword{hplot}