\name{normalize.Probes} \alias{normalize.Probes} \title{ Normalization of probes} \description{ Normalization of probe intensities with a given method. } \usage{ normalize.Probes(eSet, method=NULL, ratio=FALSE, ip, control, description, fkt=median, featureData=FALSE, targets=NULL, arrays = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{eSet}{An ExpressionSet, containing the logged raw intensities} \item{method}{character string specifying the normalization method to be used. Choices are "none", "scale", "quantile", "Aquantile", "Gquantile", "Rquantile", "Tquantile", "vsn", "rankpercentile", "loess", "substract".} \item{ratio}{if TRUE, the ratios are calcualted.} \item{ip}{a boolean vector, indicating which sample are IP experiments} \item{control}{a boolean vector, indicating which sample are CONTROL experiments} \item{description}{description of the normalized data} \item{fkt}{function to chose for averaging over replicates} \item{featureData}{should the featureData of eSet be passed to the new ExpressionSet?} \item{targets}{vector, factor or matrix of length twice the number of arrays, used to indicate target groups if method="Tquantile"} \item{arrays}{Subset of experiments (colnames in ExpressionSet) in the ExpressionSet, that are supposed to be normalized seperately.} \item{...}{arguments, that should be passed to the normalization methods.} } \details{ The procedure calls different functions from this package or from affy and limma, depending on the method. \describe{ \item{none}{Calls \code{normalizeWithinArrays} with \code{method="none"} from package limma.} \item{scale}{Calls \code{normalizeWithinArrays} with \code{method="scale"} from package limma.} \item{quantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="quantile"} from package limma.} \item{Gquantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="Gquantile"} from package limma.} \item{Rquantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="Rquantile"} from package limma.} \item{Tquantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="Tquantile"} from package limma.} \item{Rquantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="Rquantile"} from package limma.} \item{vsn}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="vsn"} from package limma.} \item{loess}{Calls \code{normalize.loess} from package affy.} \item{rankpercentile}{Calls \code{rankPercentile.normalize} from this package.} \item{substract}{Calls \code{substract} from this package.} } } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \seealso{\code{\link[limma:normalizebetweenarrays]{normalizeBetweenArrays}}, \code{\link[affy]{normalize.loess}} , \code{\link[Starr]{substract}}, \code{\link[Starr]{rankPercentile.normalize}}} \examples{ ## # dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package="Starr") # bpmapChr1 <- readBpmap(file.path(dataPath, "Scerevisiae_tlg_chr1.bpmap")) # cels <- c(file.path(dataPath,"Rpb3_IP_chr1.cel"), file.path(dataPath,"wt_IP_chr1.cel"), # file.path(dataPath,"Rpb3_IP2_chr1.cel")) # names <- c("rpb3_1", "wt_1","rpb3_2") # type <- c("IP", "CONTROL", "IP") # rpb3Chr1 <- readCelFile(bpmapChr1, cels, names, type, featureData=TRUE, log.it=TRUE) # rpb3_rankpercentile <- normalize.Probes(rpb3Chr1, method="rankpercentile") } \keyword{manip}