\name{match_ac} \alias{match_ac} \title{Exact String matching using the Aho-Corasick algorithm} \description{ The Algorithm is designed to match a given set of sequences to a text. This function is used by remap for mapping reporter sequences to the genome. } \usage{ match_ac(dictionary, text, complementary=FALSE, reverse=FALSE, reverse_complementary=FALSE, nseq) } \arguments{ \item{ dictionary}{Set of sequences, given as a character vector} \item{text}{At least one text, to match the sequences to.} \item{complementary}{If TRUE, the sequences are searched in the complementary strand of the text} \item{reverse}{If TRUE, the sequences are searched in the reverse strand of the text} \item{reverse_complementary}{If TRUE, the sequences are searched in the reverse complementary strand of the text} \item{nseq}{number of sequences to search in one run} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \keyword{internal}