\name{makeProbeAnno} \alias{makeProbeAnno} \title{ Creating a probeAnno object} \description{ Creates a probeAnno object (package: Ringo) from a given Affymetrix bpmap file or a Nimblegen POS file. The posToProbeAnno function from the Ringo package is called to build the object. } \usage{ makeProbeAnno(posFile=NULL, bpmap=NULL, probeIDAsStrings=F) } \arguments{ \item{posFile}{path to the POS file} \item{ bpmap}{ Either a list, created by the function readBpmap() from the affy package, or a path to the bpmap file. } \item{probeIDAsStrings}{should the mapping of the probes to the rows in the assayData be integers or characters.} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \seealso{\code{\link[Ringo:posToProbeAnnoEnvironment]{posToProbeAnno}},\code{\link[affxparser]{readBpmap}}} \keyword{manip}