\name{kde2dplot} \alias{kde2dplot} \title{Compute density of a scatterplot} \description{ A 2d density is computed by kde2D. } \usage{ kde2dplot(x,y,grid=50, ncol=30,nlevels=10,main="") } \arguments{ \item{x}{x coordinate of data } \item{y}{y coordinate of data } \item{grid}{Number of grid points in each direction} \item{ncol}{number of colors} \item{nlevels}{number of contour levels desired if levels is not supplied} \item{main}{head of plot} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \seealso{\code{\link[MASS]{kde2d}}} \examples{ ## points = 10^4 x <- rnorm(points/2) x = c(x,x+2.5) y <- x + rnorm(points,sd=0.8) x = sign(x)*abs(x)^1.3 kde2dplot(x,y,main="Density Estimation") } \keyword{internal}