\name{filterGenes} \alias{filterGenes} \title{ Filter Features/Genes } \description{ This fucntion filters genes and other annotated features with respect to length, ovelaps and distance to other features. } \usage{ filterGenes(gffAnno, distance_us=500, distance_ds=500, minLength=-Inf, maxLength=Inf) } \arguments{ \item{gffAnno}{a data frame containing the annotation} \item{distance_us}{how many basepairs upstream to the feature should not overlap with other features.} \item{distance_ds}{how many basepairs downstream to the feature should not overlap with other features.} \item{minLength}{minimal length of the feature} \item{maxLength}{maximal length of the feature} } \value{ a character vector with the names of the features, that passed the filter. } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \examples{ ## # dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package="Starr") # transcriptAnno <- read.gffAnno(file.path(dataPath, "transcriptAnno.gff"), feature="transcript") # filtered_transcripts <- filterGenes(transcriptAnno, distance_us = 0, distance_ds = 0, minLength = 1000) } \keyword{manip}