\name{fillNA} \alias{fillNA} \title{Fill large spaces in profiles with NA} \description{ This function fills spaces in the profiles, that exceed a given distance. It is called by getProfiles, if method ''middle'' is chosen. } \usage{ fillNA(distribution, mapping, upstream, downstream, gffAnno, distance, spacing) } \arguments{ \item{distribution}{a list containing the profiles for each feature} \item{mapping}{a mapping of, which was constructed by the mapFeatures function} \item{gffAnno}{a data frame containing the annotation of the features of interest} \item{upstream}{how many basepairs upstream of the feature start (feature start on the crick strand is end in gffAnno) should be taken.} \item{downstream}{how many basepairs downtream of the feature start (feature end on the crick strand is start in gffAnno) should be taken.} \item{distance}{spaces, exceeding this distance are filled with NA} \item{spacing}{probe spacing on the chip} } \value{ a list with one entry for each feature. } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \keyword{internal}