\name{RochePath-class} \docType{class} \alias{RochePath-class} \alias{detail,RochePath-method} \alias{read454,RochePath-method} \alias{readFastaQual,RochePath-method} \alias{readFastaQual,character-method} \alias{readFasta} \alias{readFasta,character-method} \alias{readFasta,RochePath-method} \alias{readPath} \alias{readQual} \alias{readQual,character-method} \alias{readQual,RochePath-method} \alias{readBaseQuality,RochePath-method} \alias{read454} \alias{readFastaQual} \alias{runNames} \alias{qualPath} \alias{runNames,RochePath-method} \alias{RocheSet,character-method} \alias{RocheSet,RochePath-method} \alias{runNames,RochePath-method} \alias{show,RochePath-method} % \alias{RochePath} \title{"RochePath" class representing a Roche (454) experiment location} \description{ This class represents the directory location where Roche (454) result files (fasta sequences and qualities) can be found. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects from the class are created with the \code{RochePath} constructor: \code{RochePath(experimentPath = NA_character_, readPath = experimentPath, qualPath = readPath, ..., verbose = FALSE) } \describe{ \item{experimentPath}{\code{character(1)} or \code{\linkS4class{RochePath}} pointing to the top-level directory of a Roche experiment.} \item{readPath}{\code{character()} of directories (typically in \code{experimentPath}) containing sequence (read) information. The default selects all directories matching \code{list.files(experimentPath, "run")}.} \item{qualPath}{\code{character()} of directories (typically in \code{experimentPath}) containing quality information. The default selects all directories matching \code{list.files(experimentPath, "run")}.} \item{verbose}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether invalid paths should be reported interactively.} } } \section{Slots}{ \code{RocheSet} has the following slots: \describe{ \item{\code{readPath}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, as described in the constructor, above.} \item{\code{qualPath}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, as described in the constructor, above.} \item{\code{basePath}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, containing the \code{experimentPath}.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{ExperimentPath}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{.Roche}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{.ShortReadBase}"}, by class "ExperimentPath", distance 2. Class \code{"\linkS4class{.ShortReadBase}"}, by class ".Roche", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ \code{RochePath} has the following methods or functions defined: \describe{ \item{readFasta}{\code{signature(dirPath = "character", pattern=character(), sample = 1, ...)}:} \item{readFasta}{\code{signature(dirPath = "RochePath", pattern=".\\.fna$", sample = 1, run = 1, ...)}: Read sequences from files matching \code{list.files(dirPath, pattern)} (when \code{dirPath="character"}) or \code{list.files(readPath(dir)[run], pattern)}, retaining reads corresponding to \code{sample}. The result is a \code{DNAStringSet}.} \item{readQual}{\code{signature(dirPath = "RochePath", reads=NULL, pattern="\\.qual$", sample=1, run=1, ...)}: Read quality scores from files matching \code{list.files(qualPath(dirPath)[run])}, corresponding to \code{sample}. Non-null \code{reads} is used as an (optional) template for parsing quality scores. } \item{readFastaQual}{\code{signature(dirPath = "RochePath", fastaPattern = "\\.fna$", qualPattern = "\\.qual$", sample = 1, run = 1)}: read sequences and quality scores into a \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}}.} \item{readFastaQual}{\code{signature(dirPath = "character", fastaPattern = "\\.fna$", qualPattern = "\\.qual$", sample = 1, run = 1)}: wrapper for method above, coercing \code{dirPath} to a \code{RochePath} via \code{RochePath(dirPath)}.} \item{readBaseQuality}{\code{signature(dirPath = "RochePath", ...)}: Reads in base and quality information. Currently delegates to \code{readFastaQual}, above, but will do more after \code{RochePath} supports more file types. } \item{read454}{ \code{signature(dirPath = "RochePath", ...)}: Currently just a wrapper that passes its arguments on to a call to \code{readFastaQual}, documented above. } \item{readPath}{\code{signature(object = "RochePath")}: return the contents of the \code{readPath} slot.} \item{runNames}{\code{signature(object = "RochePath")}: return the \code{basename}s of \code{readPath(object)}.} \item{RocheSet}{\code{signature(path = "RochePath")}: create a \code{\linkS4class{RocheSet}} from \code{path}.} } Additional methods include: \describe{ \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "RochePath")}: Briefly summarize the experiment path locations.} \item{detail}{\code{signature(object = "RochePath")}: Provide additional detail on the Roche path. All file paths are presented in full.} } } \author{Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{ExperimentPath}}. } \examples{ showClass("RochePath") } \keyword{classes}