\name{mergeProperties} \alias{mergeProperties} \title{Creates the union of two named character vectors, converting to a Java-like property table} \description{ Utility function to merge the two named objects, with elements single character strings, and convert the result to a vector of Java property settings. } \usage{ mergeProperties(props, default, convert=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{props}{named character vector of properties.} \item{default}{named character vector of properties with which the elements in \code{props} are to be merged. The values in \code{props} take} \item{convert}{a logical value which, if \code{TRUE} causes the the resulting character vector to be converted to Java property specifications for use in intializing the Java Virtual machine, each of the form \code{-Dname=value}} } \value{ Augments the \code{default} with the named values that are in \code{props} and not in \code{default} and also replaces those shared by both vectors with those in \code{props}. If the argument \code{convert} is \code{TRUE}, elements of the vector are converted to Java properties suitable for initializing the JVM. } \seealso{ \code{\link{mergePath}} \code{\link{.JavaInit}} \code{\link{javaConfig}} } \examples{ props <- c(java.compiler="", myProperty="abc", "X_Y"="Hi there") mergeProperties(props, javaConfig()@properties) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}