\name{isJavaInitialized} \alias{isJavaInitialized} \title{Determines whether the JVM has been created.} \description{ This determines whether the Java Virtual machine has already been initialized within this R session, usually via the \code{\link{.JavaInit}} This is useful when we want to use the Java interface, but want to avoid an error being thrown if the user hasn't already created Java. } \usage{ isJavaInitialized(msg=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{msg}{ A character string, which if specified and the virtual machine has not been initialized, is passed as the single argument in a call to \code{\link{stop}}. } } \details{ This checks the state of the internal C variables to determine if the user has initialized the JVM. It does not attempt to create the JVM. This allows the user to specify different arguments to customize the VM. } \value{ A logical value indicating whether the JVM has been created earlier (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). If the \code{msg} argument is specified and the JVM has not been initialized, an error is thrown and there is no return value. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{.JavaInit}} } \examples{ isJavaInitialized("initialize Java with .JavaInit()") jlabel <- .JavaConstructor("javax.swing.JButton", "Welcome the R-Java interface") f <- .JavaConstructor("org.omegahat.Environment.GUITools.GenericFrame", jlabel, TRUE) # optionally execute code. if(isJavaInitialized()) { .Java("System", "getProperty", "java.class.path") } } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}