\name{RtoJavaSig} \alias{RtoJavaSig} \title{Returns the Java type identifier for an R object} \description{ This takes the given object and returns a string that can be used in the This is of most use for primitivesso that one doesn't have to remember the different Java characters representing its primitive types. This is currently not useful for non-primitive objects (e.g. lists) until \code{\link{javaSig}} is enhanced. } \usage{ RtoJavaSig(obj) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{Any R object, but the result is currently only meaningful if this is a primitive.} } \details{ This examines the class and/or mode of the specified object and then calls \code{\link{javaSig}} to find the name of the Java class corresponding to the name of the given object's type. } \value{ A character vector of length 1 identifying the Java type (primitive or class) corresponding to the type of the input object. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org}, \url{http://www.javasoft.com}} \author{John Chmabers, Duncan Temple Lang} \note{ This will be enhanced in future versions as more elaborate conversion mechanisms are added. } \seealso{\code{\link{javaSig}}} \examples{ javaSig(1) javaSig(as.integer(10)) javaSig("a string") javaSig(list(a=1)) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}