\name{.RSJava.symbol} \alias{.RSJava.symbol} \title{Expands a name to a C routine name in this package.} \description{ In order to avoid conflicts with other packages having the same C routine names, we use a macro \code{RS_Java} to identify the names of C routines. This akes it easy for us to generate unique names. This function allows callers of these routines from R (via the \code{\link{.C}} and \code{\link{.Call}} functions) to refer to them via their non-expanded name and have this function perform the appropriate expansion. Currently, this prefixes the regular name with \code{"RS_JAVA_"}. } \usage{ .RSJava.symbol(name) } \arguments{ \item{name}{The unexpanded name of the C routine, i.e. without the prefix.} } \value{ The string identifying the C routine corresponding to the short (unexpanded) reference given in \code{name}. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.com/RSJava}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \examples{ .C(.RSJava.symbol("isJVMInitialized"), logical(1)) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}